"Our goal is to offer the highest standard of medical care while helping our patients achieve a healthier lifestyle."

General Practice

Dr. Chen believes that preventative medicine is the most practical and valuable tool in healthcare today. At his office, Dr. Chen focuses on nutrition and exercise as a key factor in aiding patients to lead a healthy lifestyle.

National Board certified in 1993.

Dr. Chen offers treatment for a wide variety of conditions/medical management including but not limited to:

  • Annual physicals/Sports physicals/School physicals

  • Nutritional Counseling

  • Diabetes Management

  • Cholesterol treatment/management

  • Blood pressure treatment/management

  • IV nutritional therapy

  • IV chelation therapy

  • Flu vaccines

  • Skin biopsies

  • ADHD

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Osteopathic manipulation

  • Neurological issues (Bells Palsy, Peripheral neuropathy)

  • Arthritis

Sports Injuries

Dr. Chen combines his medical training, Masters degree in exercise physiology and personal experience as a world class athlete in treating sports injuries. He uses acupuncture to speed healing and exercises to strength and retrain muscles. Columbus is the home of many athletes who use Dr. Chens services, from dancers to power lifters.

IV Therapy

Chelation Therapy A therapy for mercury or lead poisoning that binds the toxins in the bloodstream by circulation a chelating solution. It is a form of complementary therapy.

Chelation Therapy

A therapy for mercury or lead poisoning that binds the toxins in the bloodstream by circulation a chelating solution. It is a form of complementary therapy involving the intravenous infusion of substances intended to remove calcium from hardened arteries.

Nutritional IV Therapy

Nutritional IV therapy is when vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are administered directly into the bloodstream (intravenously infused) through an IV drip. It is safe, powerful and innovative therapy that supports the resolution of numerous health problems such as infections, fatigue, heart disease and even cancer.

Hydration IV Therapy

Normal saline solution that can be infused with vitamins.

Herb & Supplement Consultation

Our practice stocks over 300 different Chinese herbs/vitamins, all of which are FDA approved. Dr. Chen may prescribe these to treat various conditions, or simply as a supplement. Our practice stocks over 300 different Chinese herbs/vitamins, all of which are FDA approved. Dr. Chen may prescribe these to treat various conditions, or simply as a supplement. Please call or email if you have a specific request. Dr. Chen will special order herbs/supplements.

Medical Acupuncture

Dr. Chen has practiced medical acupuncture for more than 30 years, he has been serving central Ohio since 1993.

Acupuncture, developed in China, works by inserting tiny needles (fibers) into the subcutaneous layer of skin at certain pressure point areas of the body that help to control certain functions of the body.

Acupuncture Treatments

Acupuncture in itself treats many conditions including but not limited to:

  • Migraine/tension/cluster headaches

  • Glaucoma

  • Tinnitus

  • Allergic Rhinitis

  • Sinusitis (acute or chronic)

  • Ear infections

  • Thyroid issues

  • Gastro (stomach) issues (IBS, Diverticulitis, constipation)

  • Back pain, including Spondylosis, spinal stenosis, sprain & strain

  • Menopause

  • Endometriosis

  • Infertility

  • BPH  (benign prostatic hypertrophy)

  • Urine incontinence

  • Heart palpitations

  • Arthritis

  • Rotator cuff/Tennis elbow

  • Anxiety/Stress/Depression

Spinal Decompression

If you or someone you know suffers from back pain, neck pain, sciatica caused by a bulging or herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, or facet joint syndrome, it is likely you’ve heard of “non-surgical spinal decompression.” Spinal decompression is a treatment method used to stimulate the body’s natural repair mechanism – specifically by engaging the necessary building blocks to repair and mend injured and degenerative discs in the vertebrae. Many patients like to turn to spinal decompression therapy because they can get relief without drugs, injections or the intervention of surgery.

The DOC Decompression system, and other systems like it, work by slowly lengthening and decompressing the spine. These movements cause negative pressures within the disc. This type of pressure then creates an intradiscal vacuum that helps to reposition bulging discs and protruding disc material back into place. Ultimately, the goal is to realign the spinal discs, allow nutrients and oxygen to flow back into damaged or injured discs, take pressure off any pinched nerves that have been affected, and relieve the patient’s pain.

On your first visit, Dr. Chen will conduct a physical exam. In some cases, we might recommend an X-ray or MRI to better understand your condition and pinpoint the exact areas of damage. After we review our findings, we will determine if DOC Decompression is the most suitable course of action or if another form of therapy will work better for your condition.

In a typical spinal decompression session, patients will be properly and comfortably fitted within a pelvic harness. The system will begin to work its magic and the patient will notice a gradual lengthening of their spine as their discs are gently decompressed and relieved of tension and pressure. The therapy is designed to be safe and relaxing. Mild discomfort may be felt in the first few sessions of those with extensively damaged discs, but generally, patients express no pain during the treatment.

  • Dr. C.S. Chen , D.O.

    Dr. Chen offers quality health care for the entire family. He integrates prescription medications, acupuncture, FDA approved herbs, exercise and nutritional knowledge to serve each patients needs. During post consultation, Dr. Chen determines an effective strategy for medical treatment combining Eastern & Western medicine techniques based on each individual patient.

    Dr. Chen brings an indepth educational background and distinct life experience to his medical practice. He attended medical school in Iowa, graduate and Ph.D. programs in Ohio, and studied Oriental medicine in Taiwan. As a world class athlete, he set a national record in track and field, and won numerous gold metals.

    Private Practice – Columbus, OH

    1995 – Present

    General Practice & Acupuncture

    Doctors Hospital – Columbus, OH

    1992 – 1993


    University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences – Des Moines, Iowa

    1988 – 1992

    Osteopathic Medicine – D.O

    The Ohio State University

    1983 – 1988

    Masters of Science Exercise Physiology & PhD Candidate in Human Nutrition

  • Kathy Andrews

    Office Manager 2 years


1335 Dublin Rd. STE 116E
Columbus, Ohio 43215

614-488-3400 Tel

614-488-3415 Fax

Monday: 8am - 1pm
Tuesday: 8am - 4pm
Wednesday: 8am-1pm
Thursday: 8am-4pm
Friday: 8am-4pm
Saturday: 8am-2pm
Sunday: Closed

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